The Dream of Love
This webinar will dive deep into the juicy subject of love and dreams....
A New Way Of Seeing
There are moments in our dreams when we’re observing rather than acting. A scene unfolds before us, and we can be sure it is unfolding on our behalf. Other times, we are part of the dream and the action is happening a short or long distance from us. I remember a dream of my mother. I write: Mom is there; close to my face; I can see the pores of her skin.
Sometimes I Feel So Lost
Sometimes I feel so lost. This feeling is sometimes accompanied by questions such as, “Where do I fit into the world?” “Where am I going?” “What is my purpose?” or simply, “WTF?” Sometimes this lost feeling just is. It stops me. It sometimes brings me to my knees. It’s a place that I don’t talk about much. I assume that not too many people want to hear about it. But what if this assumption is wrong?