Your Brain On... Dreams (An Interview With Rodger Kamenetz)

Your Brain On... Dreams (An Interview With Rodger Kamenetz)

Listen to a podcast interview with Natural Dreamwork Founder Rodger Kamenetz from “The Brain Docs,” Ayesha and Dean Sherzai, neuroscientists and public health advocates. In their words: “An amazing conversation. Rodger speaks of the cross-cultural significance of dreams in a way the interviewers describe as ‘profoundly beautiful.’”

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The Remembering

The Remembering

We are among several generations that have been inundated with self help books and workshops, all encouraging us to make ourselves into a better version of ourselves…our best selves…our perfect selves. What if life’s journey isn’t about becoming a better version of ourselves? What if instead, through the very act of living and conditioning, we forgot who it is we are? What if we already are that which we seek, someone precious and eternal?

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Dreaming Of Our Little Ones And Loved Ones Lost

Dreaming Of Our Little Ones And Loved Ones Lost

I am someone who has always been sensitive to time’s passage, and especially in the years since I have had children, I’ve tried my best to be as cognizant and as present to them and our life together as one possibly can be. Still, I wake up sometimes with the almost unbearable ache, wishing for more time, wishing I had known better.

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