Let Your Dreams Set The Agenda

Let Your Dreams Set The Agenda

I’ve often heard folks say that they struggle with some therapeutic processes because they feel like they always have to “start over” or go through all the childhood and family of origin stuff or that the therapy they are doing places a structure or system into the process which they find too prescriptive. When I hear this, I always think about how one of the reasons I love dreamwork so much is that the dream sets the agenda for us!

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Soul’s Clear “Yes” And “No” In Our Dreams

Soul’s Clear “Yes” And “No” In Our Dreams

Recently I have been learning from my dreams about the clarity with which soul’s desire is felt and expressed. The dream figures I meet speak with simple, immediate responses and invitations. “Yes!” they say when I dare ask for what I desire. And when I try to diminish it, they respond with a strong “No!”

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Awakening The Inner Dreamer

Awakening The Inner Dreamer

Browsing social media or the news, it can be easy to start feeling like the world today is a living nightmare. But as a dreamworker, the nightmares that live inside of us are as vivid as what’s outside. The oppression, degradation, terror, and abuse that we find so overwhelming in our external world is depicted night after night as we toss and turn on our pillows.

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The Importance Of Working With Conditioning
desire, dreams, Feelings, Front Page Slider, healing, soul Laura Smith-Riva desire, dreams, Feelings, Front Page Slider, healing, soul Laura Smith-Riva

The Importance Of Working With Conditioning

Dreams want to help us get to our soulful nature, the part of us that can feel deeply and know our own intuition by virtue of a strong connection to our felt experience and an openness to our vulnerability through those feelings…. A stripping away, like an onion to reveal deeper and deeper layers, and the invocation of feeling in our dream bodies so that we may “know” on a deeper intuitive level our own inner truths. I think of this as the promise of the dream.

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