Father’s Day

Father’s Day

June is a month we celebrate Father’s Day…and how often we see in dreams male figures that come in many ways…fatherly, manly, frightening, challenging, dismissive and more. When we step into a dream we explore these figures to see what it is they want us to feel…feelings often hidden under the surface story of the dream.

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The Ancient

The Ancient

This dream for me holds a moment of presence. There is no particular destination that I am aware of, though perhaps the dream imago of the guiding father knows where we are to go. He tells me to be attentive to him, to stay in connection. I am the child, curious, connected to my father, in his care and protection, present to a moment. The dream offers the gesture of stroking my hand across the smooth black stone, The Ancient, to remind me of this presence. Slowing down, sensual touch, innocence.

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