Journey Of The Blue Flame
At the beginning of my Natural Dreamwork journey, I had a series of dreams in which a blue flame appeared. In the first dream, the blue flame combusted into a destructive conflagration that engulfed me. In another, the flame emitted slyly from an electrical outlet only to disappear when I went toward it. In yet another, I wholly extinguished it because I was afraid. Working these dreams, I came to understand that this blue flame was my own internal blue fire speaking to me, asking for attention, sometimes gently, sometimes violently.
The imagination is an essential medium for the sacred to emerge...
The Poetic Imagination And The Natural Dream
Everyone dreams, but why do we dream? For the past fifteen years I've spent tens of thousands of hours talking to people about their dreams, with careful attention. And I strongly believe that dreams do have a purpose. They have the capacity to heal us. They carry a natural medicine, and over time people can learn certain techniques for finding that medicine and making use of it.
Tending Dreams Through Art Making: Part Two, Perceptual And Affective Pathways
Entering the creative process through the perceptual and affective doorways can help shift us away from this self-conscious external focus, because both these doorways help us deepen into perceiving and feeling what the dreams offer us. Dreams are very rich with unexpected ways of perceiving, unusual geometric shapes and forms, shifting directions, weird terrain, as well as potent emotions that are often avoided, unexpressed or unresolved in waking consciousness.