The New Jersey Drones Mystery And Its Connection To Natural Dreamwork
Using our dreams and dreamwork, over time, we can learn how to slow down, and to question our assumptions before reacting. Instead of reacting, we can tune into what it feels like to be met by the stranger or strangeness. We can sit with that feeling and feel what arises next.

Journey Of The Blue Flame
At the beginning of my Natural Dreamwork journey, I had a series of dreams in which a blue flame appeared. In the first dream, the blue flame combusted into a destructive conflagration that engulfed me. In another, the flame emitted slyly from an electrical outlet only to disappear when I went toward it. In yet another, I wholly extinguished it because I was afraid. Working these dreams, I came to understand that this blue flame was my own internal blue fire speaking to me, asking for attention, sometimes gently, sometimes violently.

Father’s Day
June is a month we celebrate Father’s Day…and how often we see in dreams male figures that come in many ways…fatherly, manly, frightening, challenging, dismissive and more. When we step into a dream we explore these figures to see what it is they want us to feel…feelings often hidden under the surface story of the dream.

Let Your Dreams Set The Agenda
I’ve often heard folks say that they struggle with some therapeutic processes because they feel like they always have to “start over” or go through all the childhood and family of origin stuff or that the therapy they are doing places a structure or system into the process which they find too prescriptive. When I hear this, I always think about how one of the reasons I love dreamwork so much is that the dream sets the agenda for us!

Anthem At Spring Solstice
I started writing this poem many years ago. Images were pouring through me into my journal as I struggled to name my longings. These images guided me to a clearer recognition of the difference between embodied, sensual presence and the abstract, analytical orientation of my earlier life. This was process work more than poetry, as I reflected on the origins of my own frozen places, that I could feel more clearly as I continued to thaw.