November Invitation into Your Dreams
Mary Jo Heyen Mary Jo Heyen

November Invitation into Your Dreams

November is a time when we are heading into the holidays…a time when we are expected to give thanks and be grateful for what we have…a time we find ourselves in the midst of our families…with our myriad memories, traditions and family dynamics. For many this can be a difficult thing to do, an overwhelming expectation, especially if our world, our life, our health, our relationships are less than satisfying. We may be grieving the death of a loved one, loss of a relationship, a job. We may feel alone in the world. Gratitude can be hard to come by in these situations.

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Reflections On Sleeping And Waking Within Our Dreams

Reflections On Sleeping And Waking Within Our Dreams

Our hearts and minds have great capacity for aliveness, but we sometimes (or often) betray ourselves with addictions, rationalizations, dissociations and willful looking away. In this sense of the word sleep, the poetic injunction, don’t go back to sleep is most powerful.Ironically, one of the greatest vehicles for waking up is our dreams.

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The Remembering

The Remembering

We are among several generations that have been inundated with self help books and workshops, all encouraging us to make ourselves into a better version of ourselves…our best selves…our perfect selves. What if life’s journey isn’t about becoming a better version of ourselves? What if instead, through the very act of living and conditioning, we forgot who it is we are? What if we already are that which we seek, someone precious and eternal?

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Gaze And Presence

Gaze And Presence

Our dreams seem to know us down to our depths. So often they are shining a light on our true selves and inviting this deeper part of us to be alive in the world. They also show us clearly what gets in the way of this. What is it like to be seen with such clarity and openness, with eyes of compassion?

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