Patched And Loved — The Upholstery Kitten
As an expressive arts therapist, I experienced other Gestalt approaches that bring to life and dialogue with imagery, so I was expecting the 5-D work to feel somewhat familiar. Yet, I anticipated that the fully embodied 5-D work would be much more vulnerable than a Zoom dream session in which I can feel somewhat shielded by the laptop screen.
The Remembering
We are among several generations that have been inundated with self help books and workshops, all encouraging us to make ourselves into a better version of ourselves…our best selves…our perfect selves. What if life’s journey isn’t about becoming a better version of ourselves? What if instead, through the very act of living and conditioning, we forgot who it is we are? What if we already are that which we seek, someone precious and eternal?
Gaze And Presence
Our dreams seem to know us down to our depths. So often they are shining a light on our true selves and inviting this deeper part of us to be alive in the world. They also show us clearly what gets in the way of this. What is it like to be seen with such clarity and openness, with eyes of compassion?
November Invitation: The Sacred Ordinary
Natural Dreamwork teaches us to see the sacred in ordinary dream moments...