Why Pay Attention to Your Dreams?
What if our dreams are asking us to have a deeper kind of relationship with them?
Dreamer’s Corner
What if I don’t remember very much of my dream? Donna Mazzola responds to this question that comes up for many dreamers...
July Invitation Into Your Dreams
As Natural Dreamwork practitioners we spend a lot of time inside other people’s dreams. It’s what I imagine spelunking might be like....
Dreams of the New Earth with Kezia Vida
Dreams stand in that place of wanting us to be whole and be honest and in our hearts..... and I do think that’s the way forward.
Sometimes I Feel So Lost
Sometimes I feel so lost. This feeling is sometimes accompanied by questions such as, “Where do I fit into the world?” “Where am I going?” “What is my purpose?” or simply, “WTF?” Sometimes this lost feeling just is. It stops me. It sometimes brings me to my knees. It’s a place that I don’t talk about much. I assume that not too many people want to hear about it. But what if this assumption is wrong?