Dreams of the New Earth with Kezia Vida

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“This new earth will not be possible unless people are centered in their hearts.”

In this illuminating podcast interview, Kezia Vida explores the connection between dreams and our relationship to the natural world in a conversation on Katherine Bell's radio show The Dream Journal:


Kezia Vida received a BA in philosophy from Yale University, and has been working with and studying dreams under the Natural Dreamwork tradition for 11 years. She is the author of The Dreaming I, a unique interactive dream journal designed to jump start your dream practice and was the co-host of the 2019 Shift Network Dream Summit. She is also the co-director of All You Need Institute, a center for the exploration and practice of dreams for the New Earth. Read more about her work on the About Us page.


Marian Enochs Gay

Marian Enochs Gay is a certified Natural Dreamwork practitioner offering a contemplative approach to dreams as a path to soul. She is devoted to helping dreamers deepen their relationship with their own dreams.


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