How A Dream Changed My Name—And My Life
boy, dreams, Feelings, Front Page Slider, girl, images Elazar Bergman boy, dreams, Feelings, Front Page Slider, girl, images Elazar Bergman

How A Dream Changed My Name—And My Life

What happens if a person completes her mission before her destined time arrives? Traditional Judaism posits that she must get a new name. Otherwise, she will leave early. We can call someone by a new name, but the name won’t catch—he won’t live—unless Heaven gives him a new mission. (In case you’re wondering, two people can have identical names, but still have different missions.)

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Awakening The Inner Dreamer

Awakening The Inner Dreamer

Browsing social media or the news, it can be easy to start feeling like the world today is a living nightmare. But as a dreamworker, the nightmares that live inside of us are as vivid as what’s outside. The oppression, degradation, terror, and abuse that we find so overwhelming in our external world is depicted night after night as we toss and turn on our pillows.

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