Lips As A Portal
The lips first appeared to me in a meditation in 2012. At the time I wasn't quite sure what they were - i just knew something was opening and closing and had the texture of elephant skin. Over the years they would reappear in both my dreams and my meditations in various forms.
Coming to Our Senses – In Our Dreams
In Natural Dreamwork, we encounter images as living presences. We allow the images to ‘speak’ from the particularity of their being. These encounters are the gateway to deeper feeling and deeper knowing. Dreams present us with many questions, but sometimes it takes the gentle presence of another to even hear the questions.
June Invitation: Trusting Our Body to Hold Our Images
Dreams integrate our bodily senses with our feelings and our deepest knowing...
The Cosmic Vibration in Alchemy
All matter, every creature is imbued with this cosmic vibrational energy that can be “heard"...