Dreams Of Our Departed
An area our dreams can be helpful is in the area of grief and loss. There are many reasons the departed might show up in our dreams, a reassurance, a message, a deep healing. Our dreams can offer us a renewed relationship with those who have crossed over.
Dreamwork To Prep For The End Of The World
I think a lot of people are frightened lately. However, it can be hard to discern fear, since most of us respond to it with reactivity that desensitizes us or distracts us from the fear. We are afraid, but we act angry. We blame. We are afraid, but we numb our fear with substances, food, or fantasy. It feels so much better than the fear.
Patched And Loved — The Upholstery Kitten
As an expressive arts therapist, I experienced other Gestalt approaches that bring to life and dialogue with imagery, so I was expecting the 5-D work to feel somewhat familiar. Yet, I anticipated that the fully embodied 5-D work would be much more vulnerable than a Zoom dream session in which I can feel somewhat shielded by the laptop screen.
Shark vs Dolphin And The Great Sea
Overcoming our fears is no small task, dropping projections is no small task, learning to live more fully in the sensuality of our lives is no small task, for even the beautiful dolphin is at times hunted, maimed, entrapped, and made to perform in captivity.
November Invitation into Your Dreams
November is a time when we are heading into the holidays…a time when we are expected to give thanks and be grateful for what we have…a time we find ourselves in the midst of our families…with our myriad memories, traditions and family dynamics. For many this can be a difficult thing to do, an overwhelming expectation, especially if our world, our life, our health, our relationships are less than satisfying. We may be grieving the death of a loved one, loss of a relationship, a job. We may feel alone in the world. Gratitude can be hard to come by in these situations.