April Invitation: 3 Novel Ways to Remember Your Dreams
The fruits of loving attention to each dream, no matter how big or small....
Threshold Moments In Dreams
Our dreams offer threshold moments all our lives, unique invitations of soul. These moments invite us into embodied presence and can help us align with who we truly are. Our dreams also bring light to the ways we hesitate and get caught in conditioned patterns.
Natural Dreamwork For The New Year
This is the time of year in the northern hemisphere where we are experiencing our longest nights as we move from the old year into a new year. During the darkest days of the year, everything is held in a shimmering darkness and awaits the shattering return of the light. It is a time of endings and beginnings…the cycle of unfoldment…birth, death, re-birth.
Interview with Rodger Kamenetz by Katherine Bell of The Dream Journal
Our dreams can awaken us to gratitude and to our capacity to feel more deeply...
November Invitation: The Sacred Ordinary
Natural Dreamwork teaches us to see the sacred in ordinary dream moments...