Awakening The Inner Dreamer

Awakening The Inner Dreamer

Browsing social media or the news, it can be easy to start feeling like the world today is a living nightmare. But as a dreamworker, the nightmares that live inside of us are as vivid as what’s outside. The oppression, degradation, terror, and abuse that we find so overwhelming in our external world is depicted night after night as we toss and turn on our pillows.

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Dreams And The Sound Of Voice

Dreams And The Sound Of Voice

When we hear the voice of someone we love, the felt sense so particular to that person, this can affect us deeply. It’s like music our heart is attuned to, which has become part of us. We can feel this in our dreams. The experience of voice, its sound and tone and quality, is one of the ways dreams can bring us healing and open our hearts to connection. This can feel poignant when a departed loved one comes in our dreams.

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Dream Medicine

Dream Medicine

A question that might be asked at the beginning of working with a new dreamer is “What is your greatest issue?” When I reflect on this, a dream I had ten years ago comes to mind and demonstrates how dreams often highlight our challenges and simultaneously offer opportunity for healing.

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Learning To Feel The Difference Between Making Progress And Being Born

Learning To Feel The Difference Between Making Progress And Being Born

Dreamwork can be a challenging spiritual practice that invites our humility. All true spiritual practices ask us to let go of our previous notions of “progress” and to continue the path without measuring the journey by those egoic standards of success. Within my desire for dreams to “show I am healing” there are some valid needs, and a lot of misperceptions.

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