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Connection calls me. In my world, attachment and connection are both important concepts. Attachment joins us to values we grew up with and creates the co-dependent aspect of relationship with people we care about and value in our lives. While some may worry about this, co-dependence only becomes dysfunctional when it exceeds 20% in a relationship dynamic.

With connection I see myself in others, allowing me to have respect and reverence for the life experiences of those who are important in my life (includes those with two legs and four). I suspect the heart wanders either longing for connection or avoiding it, perhaps both. Mine has.

I am saddened by this new quiet in the world; all a little eerie and strange. In the last few weeks I have disconnected from me as the pandemic spilled over the world; free floating in the shadows, wondering what was happening inside me. Over the years, my interior journey has sought deeper connection with my parts and pieces, and this recent disconnect told me I am in a transition. Just as the kaleidoscope of the outer world is shifting in ways I never imagined I find that process happening within. Wandering in search of my own depth I explored dreams through Natural Dreamwork. Through the years, I have found insights from dreams enrich connections within me, rediscovering an open heart closed long ago.

A recent dream: A friend accompanies me to the home of my watercolor mentor. His wife, G, takes us to a room to show her his art. My friend nods appreciatively and goes back to the living room. G looks at me, her face turning red, tears coming. I reach my fingers to touch hers and she says, “I see yellow in your friend’s brain; cancer”. I’m stunned, horrified.

This fingertip to fingertip connection to G feels more solid and real than any physical distance that separates us in waking life. Tendrils of mind and heart reach and find connection with both CG and his wife. My heart and intuition can wander to their essences energetically, connecting.

In this quiet new world comes a dream image of ephemeral fingertip connection as our external world becomes increasingly isolated with minimal physical contact. And yet, this dream connection carries a depth of vulnerability with shared grief and sadness. Connection to those who matter is ever present, regardless of miles that create physical separation.

My dreams have reconnected strands within me, inviting greater connection within and to those in my outer world. In this strange now that we live in, I feel the zeitgeist of fear and anxiety, trust my immune system, the connection to my soul, and the connection to those I love in waking life. All was realized from the gift and intimacy of this dream and the touch of a fingertip.

Contemplative Nature, Painting by Leigh Randolph

Leigh is a practitioner of Natural Dreamwork and works with clients in a program of spiritual, and personal  growth through the exploration of dreams though art, and art through dreams. If you are interested in experiencing a session you can contact her via email at LeighEndodoc91@aol.com.  You can learn more about her work on the About Us page.




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