Your Brain On... Dreams (An Interview With Rodger Kamenetz)

Your Brain On... Dreams (An Interview With Rodger Kamenetz)

Listen to a podcast interview with Natural Dreamwork Founder Rodger Kamenetz from “The Brain Docs,” Ayesha and Dean Sherzai, neuroscientists and public health advocates. In their words: “An amazing conversation. Rodger speaks of the cross-cultural significance of dreams in a way the interviewers describe as ‘profoundly beautiful.’”

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Soul’s Clear “Yes” And “No” In Our Dreams

Soul’s Clear “Yes” And “No” In Our Dreams

Recently I have been learning from my dreams about the clarity with which soul’s desire is felt and expressed. The dream figures I meet speak with simple, immediate responses and invitations. “Yes!” they say when I dare ask for what I desire. And when I try to diminish it, they respond with a strong “No!”

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The Tree That Is Me
Kat Samworth Kat Samworth

The Tree That Is Me

My dreams began waking me up about fourteen years ago. It started with a man, chainsaw in hand, cutting into the base of a beautiful tree in my yard. Energy of devastation and panic filled me as I ran out of my house screaming for him to stop. But it was no use. Only a stump remained.

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Write Them Down!
Keren Vishny Keren Vishny

Write Them Down!

Among all the New Year’s resolutions competing for your attention, I’d like to suggest one that you probably hadn’t considered: the practice of Writing Down Your Dreams. For the New Year, why not crack open that blank journal collecting dust on a shelf, or begin a new document. Label the document DREAMS. Let it sit in the middle of your Desk/Laptop/iPad (not buried in file) as a reminder to record your dreams before you head into the labyrinths of Email, Facebook or Newsfeed each morning.

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