How A Dream Changed My Name—And My Life
What happens if a person completes her mission before her destined time arrives? Traditional Judaism posits that she must get a new name. Otherwise, she will leave early. We can call someone by a new name, but the name won’t catch—he won’t live—unless Heaven gives him a new mission. (In case you’re wondering, two people can have identical names, but still have different missions.)
The School of Dreams
Each night…even if we don’t remember…we attend a unique school…the dream school…the classroom for our soul...
The Missing Jew: Poems 1976-2022 by Rodger Kamenetz
This book is a project 46 years in the making. The earliest edition of the book, in 1979, was written in memory of Rodger's immigrant grandfather, who spoke to him in a dream.
Coming to Our Senses – In Our Dreams
In Natural Dreamwork, we encounter images as living presences. We allow the images to ‘speak’ from the particularity of their being. These encounters are the gateway to deeper feeling and deeper knowing. Dreams present us with many questions, but sometimes it takes the gentle presence of another to even hear the questions.
Dreams and the Real
Dreams can help deepen our capacity to feel what is most alive and real in us...