too much...
Sometimes we can feel that we are too much...
too much for our families...our partners...our friends
...too much for the world.
We have desires, passions, needs, wants and ways we want to express ourselves...
our signature voice...our own unique and personal way of being in the world.
Yet what would happen if all of this poured out of us...if all of us poured out of us?
We fear that who we are and what we want is too much...that we will be too much for others. And so instead we withhold...and what is within us languishes…
doesn’t see the light of day...doesn’t bring its unique gift into the world.
In that moment of ‘too much’ we can take a breath
and feel into this fear of ‘I’m too much’…
and take yet another breath...and another...and wait...and slowly...
‘too much’ begins to take a different’s original shape.
We begin to feel the truth of what’s beneath “I’m too much”…
‘Too much’ reveals itself as ‘so much.’
Who we are is so much much desire...
so much much love...and this ‘so muchness’ is the true us
that wants pour out of us...onto the ones we love...onto the world.
“How could the drop of water fear she is
too much for the ocean?” ~rodger kamenetz
Mary Jo Heyen is a certified Natural Dreamwork Practitioner working with clients in person, phone or Skype. Learn more about her work with dreams at