What To Expect
In A Natural Dreamwork Session

Prior to a one-on-one session with your Natural Dreamwork practitioner, you are invited to send your recent dreams to your practitioner and together, the two of you will imaginally bring them to life. In a session, we move slowly and stop to contemplate the images of the dream, which we believe are alive and responsive. Our intention is to keep the session experiential, felt in the body and heart, rather than processed intellectually. Our work in a session is highly focused on what the point-of-view in the dream is feeling or not feeling at any given moment of encounter. To that end, we may incorporate some movement or invite you to recall a sensory experience, both of which may help you drop back into a dream. Family history, important life events, and associations may be discussed when relevant to the dream content. 

As it relates to frequency, it's usually ideal to meet once every other week at the start, though some choose to meet weekly or monthly. It takes time to build trust, and yet our dreams don’t wait. In a very first session, a dream may reveal a deep hurt, loss, or profound truth. We find that continuity in this work enables relationship-building between client and practitioner, as well as between the dreamer and their dreams. 

What happens in a dream session is, of course, confidential. We do, however, encourage dreamers to share with whomever they like whatever they like. The act of sharing brings dreams into their daily life conversations and helps keep them alive.

Schedule a Session

Please visit our practitioners page and contact one of us directly, or you may email us at info@thenaturaldream.com with questions.