Laura Smith-Riva

Laura Smith-Riva is a certified practitioner of Natural Dreamwork and practicing Druid of the Green Mountain Druid Order. She offers one-on-one dream consultation to individuals in the US and abroad and is a mentor for Natural Dreamwork Practitioners and student Druids in training. Laura is on the faculty for The Studio for Movement Artsand Therapies in Bangalore, India and for the Green Mountain Druid School in Worcester, Vermont.

Laura practices Natural Dreamwork through the cultivation of a dream practice based on the natural healing qualities found in dreams inherent in the sacred objects, symbols, creatures and archetypes that populate the dream landscape. She compassionately creates space for the dreamer to delve deeply into the images and feelings of the dream to find their authenticity, voice, passion and creativity. Laura brings her personal experience to support individuals in the areas of queer/trans identity, addiction recovery and adoption related issues and firmly believes in the dream’s ability to help us with core wounding and trauma.

Laura lives in the mysterious Green Mountains of Vermont with her partner of 27 years. Outside the dream realm, you can find her painting or writing in her studio, connecting to the healing energy of the earth, or engaged in laughter and general mayhem with her friends and family on various parts of the globe.

She regularly blogs about her journey through dreams and vision work on the dream blog In Search of Puella and her dream-inspired art work and writing have been featured in several publications and e-zines.


Blog Posts by Laura Smith-Riva

Threshold Moments in Dreams

Our dreams offer threshold moments all our lives, unique invitations of soul. These moments invite us into embodied presence and can help us align with who we truly are. Our dreams also bring light to the ways we hesitate and get caught in conditioned patterns.

Dreams and the Sound of Voice

When we hear the voice of someone we love, the felt sense so particular to that person, this can affect us deeply. It’s like music our heart is attuned to, which has become part of us.We can feel this in our dreams. The experience of voice, its sound and tone and quality, is one of the ways dreams can bring us healing and open our hearts to connection.

When Our Dreams Bring Humor

Our dreams are astoundingly creative in finding ways to reach us and evoke the aliveness of our feelings, such as fear, awe, love, joy, and pain. At times our dreams can also make us laugh, and this invites our attention. Humor and playfulness can help us feel truths of the soul in a fresh way.