Jennifer Badot
Jennifer Badot is a poet, visual artist, Tarot reader, and Natural Dreamwork practitioner in training, working under the supervision of Dr. Keren Vishny. A life-long devotee of dreaming, Badot welcomes the opportunity to stand beside you as you draw from the deep well of your dreams. She believes that our world needs engaged and activated dreamers now more than ever — as a pathway for individual and collective healing and as a way toward imagining a just and healthy future, for ourselves and our planet, one dream at a time.
She welcomes you to contact her with questions and to begin a conversation about working with your dreams.
Blog Post by Jennifer Badot
At the beginning of my Natural Dreamwork journey, I had a series of dreams in which a blue flame appeared. In the first dream, the blue flame combusted into a destructive conflagration that engulfed me. In another, the flame emitted slyly from an electrical outlet only to disappear when I went toward it. In yet another, I wholly extinguished it because I was afraid. Working these dreams, I came to understand that this blue flame was my own internal blue fire speaking to me, asking for attention, sometimes gently, sometimes violently.