waiting for a phone call from god...

How many times a day do we find ourselves checking our phones, e-mail, Twitter, Facebook? What is it we’re hoping to find? Who is it we’re hoping to hear from? And yet some part of us knows we’ll recognize it when we see it. 
Running through us like a subterranean current is this ineffable yearning, a longing we can’t quite name. Something…some thing...is missing in us and we know we’re not complete. 
For as long as I can remember whenever I was sitting quietly or seemingly lost in thought I would be asked, “What are you doing?” I would always answer the same, “I’m waiting for a phone call from God.” I was.  Even at a young age I longed to feel my connection to the divine in as embodied, heartfelt way as I do with someone I love who is in the flesh…knew the inner connection would be even more than that. 
When I began working with my dreams, the teachings, the healing, the love and support found within them…I knew the call had come through. 
Even with all the love and support we may have in the outer world…there is another longing that has an even deeper claim on us…the inner longing.  And until we feel that inner connection whether we are aware of it or not we are all in our own way waiting for a phone call from God.
(Image: Melody Cole Gates)
Mary Jo Heyen is a Natural Dreamwork Practitioner working with clients throughout the country and abroad in person, phone or Skype. Learn more about her work with dreams at www.maryjoheyen.com or www.thenaturaldream.com 


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