there will be tears...

If we take the healing medicine found in our dreams there will be tears…


We will get underneath our exquisitely true stories and experiences. We will get beyond the stories of the ones who caused us pain to where we are simply and sweetly left with our tender broken heart
and there will be tears…


The frozen places in us will begin to thaw and we will feel again…

Our precious heart will ache again…come alive again in the red flush of

our pain..our love…our joy…our sorrow…the full palette of it all and 

there will be tears…


We will feel our fear and our terror and not turn away…

Pounding heart…breathless unknown…awesome edge…

We will feel our vulnerability and we will stay…let it teach us and

there will be tears…


We will feel our grief…unfelt grief that underlies most moments…

Our bodies will finally unclench under so much loss…

And grief will return to us as the trustworthy companion it is and

there will be tears…


We will begin to unforget…to remember who we are…whose we are…

What it is like to be loved…to be seen…to be touched…

so much to gather back around us…to love and to be loved and

there will be tears…


We will come to welcome these sacred tears of liquid grace…

how they know how to move through us and heal us…

We will come home to these sacred places…home to our souls and

there will be tears…


(Image: Pain Washed Tears by Sabina Kiss)


Mary Jo Heyen is a certified Natural Dreamwork Practitioner working with clients in person, phone or Skype. Learn more about her work with dreams at


Walking in the Not Knowing


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