new year’s
My current dream practice and that which I will carry forward into 2015 is not a resolution. There is something about being resolute that feels heavy handed, harsh and unmoving, all ways I can be towards myself...all ways that my soul is not.
Dreams of the past few weeks have shown me turning to the inner divine...feeling fear…turning away...and then this is what’s so meaningful for me...I turn yet again back to the divine...this simple embodied willingness to keep turning towards...I re-turn.
My dream teacher, Rodger Kamenetz, shared that the Hebrew word, Teshuveh, usually translated as ‘to repent,’ really means ‘to return.’ I find this so beautiful, an open-armed welcoming me home to my true self. No where in my dreams does the divine come and tell me what to do, tell me to repent, tell me to be resolute and white knuckle my way through.
My dreams simply continue to show me, in ways that are tender, challenging, painful, laugh out loud funny...always with I separated from my soul self, how I developed skillful ways to be in the world to protect myself and to not feel my feelings. The way back is neither easy nor is more of a labyrinth, which unlike a maze which has dead ends and trickery...the labyrinth is constantly turning inward. Even in those moments it looks like I’m turning away...I turn again...I return.
With love, Mary Jo
Mary Jo Heyen
Archetypal Dreamwork Practitioner
Dream sessions in person, via Skype or on the phone