morning gathering...

In the morning when you wake up...lie still…

gathering in the images and pieces of a remembered dream…
gathering the images in closely until the dream is alive within you.

In the morning when you wake up…lie still…

gathering in the feelings of an unremembered dream... 
gathering the feelings in closely, until the dream is alive within you.

In the morning when you wake up...lie still…

gathering to you all the parts of yourself that have spent the night…
out among the stars…learning...experiencing...
ready to be gathered back inside you…
wanting to share with you their night’s adventure.

(Image: Celebrate the Night by Erick Stensland)
Mary Jo Heyen is a Natural Dreamwork Practitioner working with clients throughout the country and abroad in person, phone or Skype. Learn more about her work with dreams at or 


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