love letters from the soul...

There are many ways we can approach our dreams wanting to understand what their intention might be…what it is they want to communicate with us. We might look at them as symbols, as riddles to be solved, even as some harsh judge who comes nightly to scold us. 
In Natural Dreamwork we say that we bring the dream to life. What does that mean…we bring the dream to life?
One of the ways we bring to dream to life is we bring the dream in close…we embody the images and the feeling they carry…we really take the time to take this all into ourselves…to feel the message of the dream. 
A very tender and sweet way to step into our dreams would be to look at them as a unique kind of communication…between two beloveds…a love letter…a love letter from the soul…to the parts of us that we lost connection to and the remembering and return into this loving relationship with the essence of who we truly are.
Love letters give voice to the yearning and the longing for the beloved. They express a vulnerability and willingness to be open-hearted. They wax poetic and paint images of all of our beauty…our gifts, our uniqueness. They bring the love to life…
Love letters of the dream kind are even more potent as they does not put us on an idealized pedestal. They do not reflect only part of who we are…they reflect all of who we are…our nakedness, our vulnerability, the whole luscious mess of who we are and love us no less…perhaps love us even more because we have the chance to be together in this place of honesty and truth and still be in the love.
Love letters of the dream kind include how the relationship is faring. What are the ways the lovers are or are not in alignment? Can we speak to each other of our pain…from our pain…of our need…from our need? Can we be with each other open, vulnerable and utterly in feeling…and therefore alive and whole on the inside and in the outer world.
Each night we receive love letters from our beloveds…our soul, our inner teachers, the numinous…showing us the ways we are loved and met…and the ways that keep us from this sacred relationship.  And as we begin to open these dream letters, explore them, we begin to learn and to live in this relationship.
Tonight we will all receive a love letter delivered to us through the mysterious process that is our dreams. Can we take a moment…take a breath…and open this letter from the beloved?

Mary Jo Heyen is a Natural Dreamwork Practitioner working with clients throughout the country and abroad in person, phone or Skype. Learn more about her work with dreams at or 


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