Often times what is most revealing and therefore very important in our dreams may be what is not seen, what is not said…what is not felt. This is where, as practitioners of Natural Dreamwork, we learn to stop and take a closer look.
A clue as to where something might be hiding, unexpressed or unfelt and where, as a dream practitioner, I will give special attention is in the moment of a shift in the dream, an incongruous place where scenes or events change suddenly.
Dream - “I’m walking along a path in the woods and I see my cousin. I’m in the grocery store looking at apples.”
What happened there for the dreamer between seeing her cousin and being in the grocery store looking at apples?  How can she be somewhere one moment and in a completely different place the next?
In that infinitesimal space lies a precious gem…perhaps the whole teaching in the dream. What is in that moment is most likely a feeling that she doesn’t want to feel, doesn’t even consciously know is there (her dream knows it is there)…and so she jumps scenes...she jumps away from the feeling.
In a dream session we would go to that moment…I see my cousin…and pause. What is it like for the dreamer to see her cousin? What feeling arises in her that she wants to avoid…doesn’t want to feel?  It may be a fear, some hurt…a painful loss.  It could also be a moment of happiness and connection that has been lost and there is grief or regret.  We don’t know until we open it but the dream wants her to know about it…wants her to return to the feeling that got hidden in the shift.
Why is this important...to feel these things that are hidden in the shift?
Our dreams want nothing less for us than our wholeness, our returned connection to soul. In the very act of living that inner connection is damaged and frayed. We have forgotten who it is we truly are…how to be in relationship with ourselves and others from the healed place of wholeness. And so our dreams take us back to places where we were hurt and wounded, where parts of ourselves broke off…and they help us recover what got left back there.
In exploring the moment hidden in the shift and spending some time there…staying...we allow for memories and feelings to emerge…to reveal themselves to the dreamer. In recovering her soul capacity to feel her feelings…all of them…she recovers the lost and forgotten parts of herself…and dream by dream she heals into her wholeness.
Mary Jo Heyen is a Natural Dreamwork practitioner working with dream clients either in person, phone or Skype. You can read more about her work at www.maryjoheyen.com.
Mary Jo Heyen

Mary Jo Heyen, M.Ed., was an author, founding member and certified practitioner of Natural Dreamwork until her death in 2022. She had a diverse private practice working with dream clients of all ages and backgrounds. Her practice included her volunteer work with the dreams and visions of those in hospice, their families and grief groups, honoring the gift of their dreams at this most important threshold.




Listen to the colors of your dreams