
from my midnight loft... While I will continue to work with dreamers, I had the last dream session in my beloved dream studio. I need to close it as my health declines and it’s time to bring things closer in. I stood in the palpable silence and tears of grief rose as I said good-bye to this sacred space…mixed with tears of gratitude for the precious time spent here with dreamers, meditators and those in grief… Several times over the past few weeks, people have expressed surprise at my desire to continue working with dream clients for as long as I am physically  able.  I understand this misunderstanding.  If exploring dreams, my own and others, were an optional supportive practice, an activity that stimulated my mind, or even a helpful way to be with others, then it would make perfect sense that I would want to lay that down and begin to limit my outer world connections, to come in even closer with Joe and loved ones. However, that is not my experience of what it means to be in relationship with dreams. Being in dreams, my own and others, is a holy space for me…a connected place. I am in personal and intimate relationship with the sacred and the numinous.  It is not a one way  conversation…it is an intimate dialogue with the very deepest connections we can have with soul and with God. It is a realm where each night we are invited to remember who we are and Whose we are and our hearts and soul are healed in that place… It is a way of being…embodied and ensouled…a visceral experience of loving and being loved….and a relationship that humbles, holds and heals me… 


My Final Dream Blog...much love


Dreams and Families of Compassionate Care ALS