BECOMING A GREAT DREAMER: Susan Larson interviews Rodger Kamenetz on Natural Dreamwork

Rodger Kamenetz was recently interviewed  on WWNO-FM, New Orleans Public Radio by host Susan Larson on her show, The Reading Life.Here are some excerpts from the interview and you can listen to the whole clip below:

Susan Larson: The History of Last Night’s Dream, is such a powerful book.  Every time I read it I start to dream and remember my dreams…You must have heard this from a lot of people.

Rodger: I do hear that. It’s fascinating to me.

Susan: Tell us about this lecture you will be doing on Dreams and The Sacred Encounter

Rodger: I’m jumping off an essay by W.H. Auden, who talks about the primary imagination as a realm of sacred encounter where we meet sacred objects and encounter sacred beings.  I feel  the big signal of that encounter is often terror…

[The essay "Making, Knowing and Judging" appears in Auden's collection, The Dyer's Hand. ]

Susan: Great, I’ll be having nightmares…

Rodger: There’s a spectrum of feeling from simple fear to terror to wonder to awe. They are all geiger counter signals I might be in the presence of a sacred object or person--- or animal.

Susan: You said not everyone can be a great poet but everyone can be a great dreamer. How can you become a great dreamer?

Rodger: Well, pay attention.  The great thing about remembering your dreams is they take you back to these places. some are incredibly difficult, some are incredibly beautiful. To carry them with you and dip into them during the day is refreshing.

  [audio mp3=""][/audio] Rodger Kamenetz will be appearing with Marian Gay for a lecture on the evening of Friday March 24 at Parker Memorial Church. The event is sponsored by The School for Contemplative Living. For more information, please go to The School for Contemplative Living       To register directly go  here 

Rodger Kamenetz

Rodger Kamenetz has been instrumental in shaping and articulating Natural Dreamwork. He is Professor Emeritus of English and Religious Studies at Louisiana State University and an award-winning author, poet and teacher. He has been working with clients who seek spiritual direction through dreams since 2003.


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